ipafricept (OMP-54F28) - Mereo Biopharma
Oncomed: Biocentury's NewsMakers In The Biotech Industry Conference (OncoMed) - Sep 29, 2013 - Anticipated data from P1a trial for solid tumors in 2013; Anticipated initiation of P1b trial for solid tumors (indication #1) in 2013-2014; Anticipated results from P1b trial for solid tumors (indication #1) in 2013-2016; Anticipated initiation of P1b trial for solid tumors (indication #2) in 2013-2014; Anticipated results from P1b trial for solid tumors (indication #2) in 2013-2016; Anticipated initiation of P1b trial for solid tumors (indication #3) in 2013-2014; Anticipated results from P1b trial for solid tumors (indication #3) in 2013-2016 
Anticipated new P1 trial • Anticipated P1 data Oncology
Sep 29, 2013
